조원철 교수님께서 최고의 학술지 중 하나인 CHEMICAL REVIEWS에 통과하셨습니다. 진심으로 축하드립니다.
조원철 교수님이 수소기술(ISO/TC 197) 국제표준화 전문가로 위촉되셨습니다.
Water electrolysis is a process that uses electrical energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas. Green hydrogen can be used as a clean fuel source for various applications, such as fuel cells for vehicles or power generation.
MORE VIEW →Based on a combination of polymers and nanoparticles, porous nanocomposite membranes exhibit exceptional properties for use in water electrolysis, including high ion conductivity, excellent gas tightness, and exceptional durability
MORE VIEW →The development of advanced non-precious metal nano-catalysts with high activity, stability, and performance is aimed at reducing the overpotential for water electrolysis.
MORE VIEW →서울과학기술대학교 조원철 교수님이 2024년 12월 4일, 국가기술표준원으로부터 수소기술(ISO/TC 197) 전문위원회 위원…
2024.12.24조원철 교수님이 최근 한국수소환경협회의 기술개발 분과장으로 임명되었습니다. ● 한국수소환경협회는 수소 에너지의 개발 및 보급…
2024.12.13- 조원철 교수님이 최근 수소 에너지 분야의 산업기술보호 전문위원회 위원으로 선정되었습니다. ● 산업기술보호 전문위…
2024.02.08Dirk Henkensmeier,* Won-Chul Cho,* Patric Jannasch,* Jelena Stojadinovic,* Qingfeng Li,* David Aili,* and Jens Oluf Jensen*, CHEMICAL REVIEWS, accepted, 10, 6393-6443
Joungho Park, Kyung Hwan Ryu, Chang-Hee Kim, Won Chul Cho, MinJoong Kim, Jae Hun Lee, Hyun-Seok Cho, Jay H Lee, Applied Energy, Accpeted, 121016
Muhammad Farjad Ali, Hyun-Seok Cho, Christian Immanuel Bernäcker, Justin Albers, Choi Young-Woo, MinJoong Kim, Jae Hun Lee, Changsoo Lee, Sechan Lee, Won-Chul Cho, Journal of Membrane Science, Accpeted, 121671
Changsoo Lee, Kihyun Shin, Youngtae Park, Young Hwa Yun, Gisu Doo, Gi Hong Jung, MinJoong Kim, Won‐Chul Cho, Chang‐Hee Kim, Hyuck Mo Lee, Hyun You Kim, Sechan Lee, Graeme Henkelman, Hyun‐Seok Cho, Advanced Functional Materials, accepted, 2301557
Guk-hyun Kwon, Tae Woo Kim, Hae In Lee, Won Chul Cho, Heeyeon Kim, Guk-hyun Kwon, Tae Woo Kim, Hae In Lee, Won Chul Cho, Heeyeon Kim, Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, Accepted, 541-548
Won Chul Cho, Jun Kyu Lee, Gyeong Duk Nam, Chang Hee Kim, Hyun-Seok Cho, Jong Hoon Joo, Applied Energy, Accepted, 644-657
Semie Kim, Young-Il Lim, Doyeon Lee, Wonchul Cho, Myung Won Seo, Jae Goo Lee, Yong Sik Ok, Energy Conversion and Management, Accepted, 116361
Tuan Linh Doan, Han Eol Lee, MinJoong Kim, Won Chul Cho, Hyun Seok Cho, Taekeun Kim, Journal of Power Sources, Accepted, 231370
Muhammad Farjad Ali, Hae In Lee, Christian Immanuel Bernäcker, Thomas Weißgärber, Sechan Lee, Sang-Kyung Kim, Won-Chul Cho, Polymers, Accepted, 1173
Jung Won Lee, Jae Hun Lee, ChangSoo Lee, Hyun-Seok Cho, MinJoong Kim, Sang-Kyung Kim, Jong Hoon Joo, Won-Chul Cho, Chang-Hee Kim, Chemical Engineering Journal, Accepted, 131149